A smoothie bowl for a good start
Hi there ! Welcome on AKA industry. We are pleased to open our first blog (linked to our instagram account akaindustry) A blog about a lot of things !
If you took the time to read our story you know why we are here. We want to be modern, and we want to share with you what a modern woman is to our point of view. If you agree with our motto please join this community and share yours with us, if you disagree, we are not narrow-minded and are happy to talk about different state of mind, so join us too !

To start I did this morning, a bank holiday morning, a smoothies bowl of my home garden special : Reine Claude plums mixed with kiwis and frozen bananas, with almond paste and coconut milk. What di you think of it ? It was pretty yummy trust me. The point of this healthy breakfast is to bring you lots of vitamins and enough energy ( almond paste ..) to spend a quiet day beside your swimming pool our on your terrace.