Sweeteners or not sweeteners ?
You are always paying attention to everything you ingest. You are on a permanent diet. So, of course, no Sugar sweetened beverages, only diet sodas ! No full fat yogurts, only low-fat ones ! No sugar in coffee, but sweeteners..
What a mistake. Sweeteners are even worse than sugar. Do you know what sweeteners really do to your body ?
Sweeteners like aspartam, saccharose, isomalt, thaumatine .... Sounds very natural, doesn't it ?
Sweeteners turn your pre-adipocytes (means the cells that will turn into adipocytes, which are the cells where your body stock the fat) into mature adipocytes more quickly than sugar. They also accumulate more lipids.
It has been proved that Sweeteners are correlated to the increase of BMI and of the glycated hemoglobin rate. This glycated hemoglobin is the blood representant for your long term glucose intakes, what doctors follow in type 2 diabetes.
To replace sugar by sweeteners in the diet of obese adolescents has not shown a decrease of weight.
The sweeteners increase your insulin rate in blood, so this enzyme, which is supposed to turn the glucose present in your blood into fat, will stock all the glucose it can find and you will have a low glucose rate in your blood and be in hypoglycemia and you will need food .... And you will have more fat stocked in your liver cells. (See the article about sugar)
Also did you know that sweeteners decrease bacteria growth rate ?? We just discovered it as well. That is the reason why industries put sweeteners in your toothpaste !!
Ok, you might think, less bacteria, the better for me ..... This is a wrong idea. Your inner bacteria are very important for you, they help you to live and stay in health. This is about living in a symbiosis.
As you may know, your gut is full of bacteria. This bacteria help you to digest your food. The natural flora must stay always the same "composition", this is called the microbiota. It means that they are a lot of different species if bacteria there and none should take the advantage.
So when you eat sweeteners, you slow down the growth of the bacteria of your gut. Then the flora is unbalanced and this seems to affect your weight.
Indeed, researchers have shown that a disturbed microbiota is correlated to obesity. The bad alimentation has an affect on your microbiota and when this one is disturbed it makes worse the vicious circle.
The researchers have fed two mice differently, one with a casual alimentation, one with a high sugar rate alimentation. Of course the second mouse has put on a lot of weight. But then they collected the mice stools and they put the stool of the sugar fed mouse into the gut of the other mouse, so it will have a new microbiota replacing the normal one. This mouse put on weight even with a casual diet.
This make you rethink about what you used to believe about bacteria. They are not all bad for you !
So take care of them and stop sweeteners. AKA
references: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK379164/#sec_000071