WANTED: SUGAR, the number one killer worldwide.

As you have not read in our "our story" section, AKA industry is composed of a real physician and scientist and an osteopath. And this morning I reviewed scientific literature (a part of last papers of 2016) and found plenty of informations, that I already knew or not, about SUGAR
Why are they bad for us, and why should we stop to ingest it ??
Large answer I have to develop but please take the time to read it, so it will convince you
First of all, why all these studies have been carried out ? Because obesity and type 2 diabetes are the main public health problem of western countries. Both lead to cardiovascular diseases, impotency and premature death.
So SUGAR, you are everywhere nowadays, in all processed foods, even supposed to be salted ones ... In drinks as well ... EVERYWHERE.
Let's talk about drinks, sodas are the worst thinks you can ingest on this planet, they are just full of sugar. Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSBs) intakes is clearly correlated to the BMI (body mass index) increase and the risk of obesity. US adults consume 213 kcal/day of soda in average and 440 of sweet snacks. means 650 kcal of sugar and fats mostly.... There is 29% more risk to get a type 2 diabete if you drink one can or more of soda everyday.
But what as been shown is that it is not obesity that increases type 2 diabetes rate, it is sugar intakes. Indeed, 40% of adults in USA suffer from a metabolic syndrome and have a normal weight ! Yes you can be fit and have diet problems. This is why everyone should take care of its own diet.
Since the 1930's, sugar intakes have increased almost steadily and the metabolic syndrome rate also in parallel. And only sugar has been clearly correlated to the type 2 diabetes occurence among all the foods that were evaluated (carbohydrates, meat, cereales etc). It is the cause of 25% of worldwide type 2 diabetes which means a LOT !
There are 3 kinds of fats described in your body: the visceral fat, the subcutaneous fat and the liver fat. The worst is the liver fat (more about it in a moment).
But there are different kinds of sugar ? Right. You are thinking about fructose ? The sugar coming from fruits that has been largely used in diabetes cure diets or as a "natural" sweetener (because let's be clear, the fructose in your processed food has nothing natural)
In fact fructose is even worse than glucose ! Glucose is essential for every kind of cells of our body, fructose is absolutely not, it is not used most of the time. It increases the production of oxygen species ( which are correlated with the senescence of our cells, and cancer occurence) seven times more quickly than glucose.
About the liver, fructose is a 100% absorbed by liver cells. It does not lead to glycogen synthesis (means it is not used) and it causes hypertriglyceridemia and accumulation of lipids in the liver.
In comparison, glucose is only absorbed at 20% by liver cells and most of the rest is used by muscles so it is ok ... but alcohol is 80% absorbed! So if you eat sugar, don't eat fructose, and limit alcohol as well.
BUT IT DOES NOT MEAN FRUITS ARE BAD, the fructose in fruits is first of all, natural ! (compared to processed food) and it is coming with fibers, which create an equilibrium of the uptake of fructose.
About your liver, this very very useful organ of your body, which regulates everything and mostly what you ingest. Let's talk about the Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, which is the accumulation of fat in the liver and lead to the same damage than alcohol on your liver, and leads to cirrhosis at the end. If you don't know what cirrhosis means I beg you to have a look on wikipedia. In the autopsies of children between 5 and 19 years old, carried out for other reasons, 13% were already at the stage of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in USA. This is insane !! Also, the liver fat is the one, among the three kinds of fats, which is correlated with the insulin dynamic. Insulin is an hormone secreted by the pancreas and is the major glucose regulator of the body.
I would say you'd better eat a good bread and butter breakfast than a sugar full muesli which will not bring you any good nutrient.
It has also been supported that fruits, vegetables and mediterranean style diet increase the length of your telomeres and decrease with SSBs and processed food intake. What is a telomere ? Too long to explain but it means you have a lower risk to develop cancers due to age.
A funny (or not) fact to know about glucose, is that its intake stimulates the exact same areas of your brain than cocaïne ! And also that the brain circuits disrupted in obesity and drug dependance are the same.
SO if you feel addicted to sugar, it is because you actually are. After a certain amount of intakes on a long time, you become sugar-addicted and will always be !
My last word about it, BE STRONG STOP SUGAR.
I will soon write about artificial sweeteners as well, which are not better than sugar at all, because in fact they are WORSE.
I hope I convinced you to try to limitate sugar intakes, obviously does not mean you cannot eat any dessert for the rest of your life but everything is about control of the quantity. Because calories count won't help with sugar, "a calorie is not a calorie" Calories are different according to where they come from.
And also, sugar amount is most of the time increased in "low fat" food. Don't eat low fat or diet processed food. JUST COOK
references: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK379164/#sec_000071
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27530475 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23719144